17 09, 2015

Big Exciting News

2021-02-12T19:10:27+10:00September 17, 2015|

It’s been a while since our last post & pleased to say that it is because there have been some significant changes happening at UDS! First & foremost we have a great new base, having moved the office to Hawthorne, [...]

15 12, 2014

86 Thomas st, Birkdale – Renovation – Week 12

2021-02-12T19:19:09+10:00December 15, 2014|

The cabinetry (kitchen & robes) has been progressing & is nearly complete, along with the bathrooms. The timber floors are now polished & looking great. Wes & Reg are very happy with how all the trades have come together in [...]

28 11, 2014

86 Thomas St, Birkdale – Renovation – Week 9

2021-02-12T19:16:22+10:00November 28, 2014|

With the scaffolding now removed we can get a great view of the developing building. Work continues on the internal fit out, with plasterboard setting & work on bathroom/ensuite waterproofing & tiling. We are getting close to the end now, [...]

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